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National Year of ReadingNewsOrange

Amazing Paper Chain party

By October 31, 2012No Comments

Portia and the Amazing Paper Chain

On the 18th December Orange City Library will be hosting a children’s party to celebrate the very successful Amazing Paper Chain promotion for the 2012 National Year of Reading.

Throughout the year the library has been inspiring children to read more and win prizes by completing a link for the colourful chain decorating the ceiling. Each link signifies a picture book, one chapter or twenty minutes of reading.

Each month winners are randomly selected and invited to the library to collect their prize and be photographed and interviewed by a journalist from the local newspaper. These media opportunities are just another great way to encourage children to read the newspaper, as well as seeing themselves in full colour.

Many free reservation cards, with the colourful ‘Love 2 Read’ logo have been given away, allowing children to order books from other branches of Central West Libraries.

The children and young adult areas are looking very festive with hundreds of multicoloured links. One very excited preschooler exclaimed that there were “at least fifty” links in the chain. (He may need a little help from his mum when he enters the ‘guess how many links’ competition at the end of the year).