Find answers to your law questions at your local library:
Example Questions:
1. I’m going to court in a few weeks – I’ve been charged with stealing a car. Someone said I should get a character reference. How do I do that?
2. Are children allowed to visit a prison?
3. My husband and I are separating and trying to sort out who is going to look after our daughter. I’ve heard that the court decides based on best interests of the child. I think she would be better off with me. How does the court decide what is in the child’s best interest?
4. My neighbour and I have agreed that we need a new fence, but she wants a really expensive one and I’m happy with something more basic. Do I have to pay half of the most expensive one?
5. I’m the executor of my father’s will. What exactly does and executor do?
Find the answers to your legal questions with summaries, practical guides, brochures, hot topics, and printed fact sheets written in simple, plain language on hand at local libraries.