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Orange Readers and Writers Festival

By June 18, 2021July 19th, 2021No Comments

**Please note this event has been postponed. The current NSW Health Regulations and lockdown have impacted on the event. A new date will be announced as soon as possible***

Snuggling up beside the fire with a good book is one of winter’s pleasures.  We hope to inspire your reading with our incredible guest authors at this year’s Festival.

Saturday 31 July
Hotel Canobolas
248 Summer Street, Orange
Tickets $95 (Early Bird $75 – ends June 30)

Enjoy a lively program of non-fiction and fiction authors with

  • Robert Tickner – former Minister Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Affairs
  • Petronella McGovern – crime author
  • Michael Brissenden – ABC journalist
  • Helen Ennis – photography curator
  • Todd Alexander – entertaining tree-changer

Download Festival Program HERE
Book Festival tickets HERE  

Proudly supported by Collins Booksellers, Orange

Satellite Workshop
Care for your collections and family heritage with Kay Soderlund

Friday 30 July
Hotel Canobolas
248 Summer Street, Orange
Tickets $35

Download Workshop Program HERE
Book Workshop Tickets HERE