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Ten Minutes A Day Begins 2 May

By April 24, 2016No Comments

Reading to Child 2Orange City Library is launching an exciting new programme to help you to develop your baby’s pre-literacy skills and get them on the right track for reading and language development.

Ten Minutes a Day is a series of workshops that you share with your child of 0-2 that will help you develop skills to enhance language development, your child’s imagination, and make reading to your child part of your everyday routine.

Each workshop will include a range of activities including rhymes, songs and simple stories; as well as tips for parents on how to include these into their routines at home.

They are also about having fun with reading, rhymes and games!

The program is supported by Newcastle Permanent and The Smith Family.

When: Programme runs for 8 weeks each school term. Starting Monday 2nd May at 9.15am

Where: at the Orange City Library

Register for the programme online (, or call 6393 8132.